Monday, August 27, 2012

How to achieve top ranking on Google

This book is NOT theoretical. It shows how I got my business FOUR TIMES on Google's first page, ahead of 5620 other search results, almost for free and it shows exactly how YOU can do the same!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Travel Guide - Scandinavia

For many people being able to visit a polar region is just a dream.
But it's a dream that can easily come true, as it takes less than 2 days by car with two drivers, to reach the shore of the Barents Sea! And those 40+ hours and 2500 km will be packed with plenty of excitement, new impressions and spectacular sights to see on the way.

In this book, I will take you up the most direct and fastest way. But I will also offer you plenty of ideas, so you can make your holiday as long as you want it to be. We will take the route from the German isle of Fehmarn to the Lappish town of Inari in northern Finland. From there a small, but very scenic road will lead us into Norway, where we will meet the E6. It's then only a little more than an hour to the most north-easterly town in Europe: Kirkenes.
Illustrated with more than 180 pictures, links, tips and small anecdotes, this book is as much a personal diary as it is a travel guide.

“The truly wonderful thing about a journey through Scandinavia in your own car is the view outside your window. You are covering seemingly endless distances through a vast country. And you watch it change. Bit by bit. The landscape, the culture, the people... until civilization more or less ends and you find yourself all alone in the middle of nowhere, just you and Mother Nature. That gives you a much better understanding of where you are, and also who you are in relation to all this grand magnificence, than if you were to just take a plane up to Kirkenes Højbuktmoen. You would just be getting off the plane, wondering why it's so cold (or so warm!), not knowing what has happened during the 2,500 km that lie behind you!”

NVP Down-to-Earth Travel Guides

NVP is short for New Visions Publications – a publishing company that specializes in passing on new ideas, inspiration and knowledge.

Our Down-to-Earth Travel Guides bring you “down to earth” tips, experiences and holiday ideas that are easy to copy and affordable for anyone. Because having a happy vacation should be something that is available to all of us!

Link to Amazon:

Monday, July 2, 2012

Achieving the Perfect Sound

You could have a better sounding audio system in minutes!

Discover the untold secrets about audio, and exactly how to use them to your advantage.

No more upgrading of components and using all your savings.

16 steps on how to make your system sound like the ones you want.


Top Ranking - book in Swedish

for once something in Swedish

however the English version of this book
is called 
"Top Ranking on Google
-for beginners"
and will be out shortly

Denna bok är INTE teoretisk. Den visar hur jag fick mitt företag FYRA GÅNGER på Googles förstasida, före 5 620 andra sökresultat, nästan gratis, och hur DU kan göra detsamma!

Upptäck de konkreta trix och steg som får Google att ÄLSKA dig och som de dyra IT-konsulterna inte vill att du skall lära dig själv.

Det är möjligt att dina kunder hittar dig på Googles förstasida en timme efter att du läst denna bok, även om du inte kan NÅGONTING om detta ämne sedan tidigare.

Missa inte denna chans att snabbt och lätt öka mängden kunder som hittar till DIG.



Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

Inspiring quotes, proverbs and sayings 
from different times and cultures

illustrated with many beautiful and romantic photographs from Scandinavia

a book for everyone who loves the nature of Scandinavia

Quotes from: Twain, Washington, Aristotle, Reagan, Churchill, Goethe, Schiller, Talmud, Seneca, Brentano, Keller, Horaz, Dalai Lama, Humboldt, Tschechow, Tschen Tschen, Euripides, Epikur, Sting, Campbell, John Denver, da Vinci, Shaw, Sophocles, Hein, Confucius, Storm P., Emerson, Fontane, Spinoza, Chopra, Saint-Exupéry, Isocrates, Meander, Aurel, Rubin, Tao Te Chung, Kronkite and many, many others...

a very aesthetic book with lots of spiritual and intellectual inspiration!


5.0 out of 5 stars Would highly recommend. January 3, 2013
By Linda
Amazon Verified Purchase
Food for the soul and spirit. From its beautiful photos to its inspirational quotes and sayings there is something for everyone. Written simply and easy to read, will be something to keep and read over and over again...

5.0 out of 5 stars Soul Food. January 5, 2013
By Jillie
Amazon Verified Purchase
This is a lovely book to own. Packed with some of the finest quotes from great minds. The photography is breathtaking. I recommend highly.
Comment |

New exciting detective novel with an intelligent twist

In a quiet residential area of London lies the body of a businessman wearing a highly convincing theatrical mask; murdered in a truly bizarre fashion. 

DSI Morgan Keane is presented with a case unlike any he has faced before.
Who was the killer’s intended victim: the deceased or the person he appeared to be? Or was it perhaps a random killing? 
Why was the victim wearing a mask? Who was the person being imitated? And if the killer had made a mistake, then how was Keane going to keep a lid on this, so as to protect the intended victim? 

With no witnesses, no motive and an unidentified corpse, this turns out to be a case that stretches Keane’s ingenuity, guile and intelligence to the limit. Before its conclusion, it will take him to France and his assistant, DS Hayes, to Australia. He will need the assistance of his MI6 contact, his boss, his wife and a Danish restaurant owner!

Set in 1995, this fast-paced novel unfolds subtly and with humour, building to a completely unexpected climax.

To make a Killing is the first book in the Keane series. The next will be out in autumn 2012.
